Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Book of the Month

This month I am choosing a book that I have always wanted to read but never have. And it is my birthday month so it is my choice :). I have seen this movie, usually after I have seen the movie I just can't get into the book but I am determined to read this. I know the book and the movie differ but my favorite quote in the movie is when Mr. Darcy is trying to tell Elizabeth that he loves her, " You have bewitched me body and soul and I love, I love....I love you." It will be different in the book I know but the feeling and emotions are still there. I am excited to read this and hear from anyone else who has read it already.


Carly said...

I'm very excited for you to read this, it makes me want to read it again. It's hard to read because of the language and it moves kind of slow, but this is the best book. I *heart* Mr. Darcy :)

Carly said...

I want to hear your thoughts on the book. How are you liking it?